Coke of raisins and nuts volver

FOTOS: Cuinart


The coca with raisins and nuts are quite typical throughout the province of Valencia: In the Vall de Albaida and Canal de Navarrés they are called "fogasses" and are traditional in the festival of Todos Santos. Some variants occur in the Ribera where they call it "pan de aire" or "pan de viento". In Xixona are typical "tonyetes fines" that carry a little anise. The one presented here is traditional in the Baix Segura and especially in the region of Safor, called "reganyà".
Although they are consumed all year round, it is traditional to make and consume them on Easter and Easter days along with the typical easter "monas". Of course, in all of them an almost common feature is its rounded shape.


-520 g flour for panou

-145 g of icing sugar

- 75 g of oil

- 75 g of milk

- 75 g of yeast

- 3 eggs

- Grated lime

- Raisins

- Nuts

- Almonds

- Cabello de ángel (sweet)


Beat the eggs and sugar first. Add the grated lime along with the milk, oil, raisins and yeast, mixing everything. With half a kilo of panou flour we make the dough, leaving time for it to increase in size.

Once it has "risen", we split the dough into two parts, making two balls (wait for them to increase again in size).

Once it has reached the desired size, on one of the masses we extend the cabello de angel and place on it the other mass. Paint with egg white on the top and sides and add nuts, almonds and raisins on top.

Finally sprinkled with sugar.

To finish you have to bake the coke in the oven at low temperature.