Posidonia on beaches volver

Posidonia, the primary native aquatic plant of the Mediterranean, plays a vital role in the balance of the marine ecosystem. Its influence encompasses several crucial aspects that deserve highlighting:

  • Prevents coastal erosion and mitigates the effect of waves on the erosion of sandy beaches.
  • Oxygenates the sea: One square meter of Posidonia meadow can emit around 20 liters of oxygen per day.
  • Removes plastics from the sea: Remarkably, Posidonia has the ability to trap small pieces of plastic in its tissues, helping to reduce marine pollution and protecting marine wildlife from the negative effects of these waste products.
  • Participates in the food chain: Posidonia oceanica meadows host a diverse community of invertebrates, including insects and small crustaceans, which are food for seabirds.
  • Purifies the water: It absorbs nutrients and helps maintain a balance in the quality of marine water.
  • Presence on a beach is a clear indicator of the quality of the surrounding waters: Its health and vitality are closely related to the cleanliness and purity of the marine environment

In summary, Posidonia is much more than a marine plant; it is a fundamental pillar for the health of Mediterranean coastal ecosystems and plays a critical role in protecting our coasts, conserving marine biodiversity, and mitigating pollution and climate change. Its preservation and care are essential to ensure a sustainable balance in our marine ecosystem.


As of May 15, 2024, the Resolution from the General Director of Natural and Animal Environment has been published, approving the Best Practices Manual for the removal of Posidonia residues.

The approval of this manual aims to comply with the provisions specified in the final provision of Decree 64/2022, dated May 20, by the Consell, regarding the conservation of seagrass meadows in the Comunitat Valenciana and, consequently, the protection of beaches from the coastal erosion process. DOWNLOAD THE INFORMATION HERE