Let us take care of our sea and respect the marine environment!
Make sure that you use valid nautical charts and follow the local normative for the zone in which you intend to navigate, specially within protected marine areas.
Respect the speed limits indicated for each area and reduce speed in case of cetaceans sightings or when passing near smaller boats such as kayaks or other users.
Keep in mind that Dénia has one of the highest frequency in cetaceans activity in the whole of the Valencian Community, so it is likely that you could across such situations. If you see any dolphins, whales, turtles, etc. you can call or send images through the free OBMAR DÉNIA app or to deniaviva@ayto-denia.es communicating that you have seen or where. If it’s a problem copy, you can call 911 to start the rescue protocol.
Respect navigation distances from the coast and from bathing areas.
Mooring is only permitted in established zones, if possible try to make sure the sea-bottom is sandy, and above all avoid anchoring on bottoms and always avoid on Posidonia prairies. It is preferable to use the mooring buoys when free than to lower an anchor.
Please do not throw any waste products, rubbish, fishing thread, cigarette butts etc. into the water. Put them into the correct containers when on land.
Try to avoid single-use plastics.
Use specific on-board cleaning products.
Make sure your engine has been checked for optimal performance and safety.
Stay tuned to channel VHF 16 for any emergency information or possible navigational dangers.

Cabo de San Antonio Marine Reserve
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Cabo de San Antonio Marine Reserve