25 August 2024
Every yearL'escaldà is transformed into a festival in which the process of transformation of the grape into raisinis recreated.
Activities of the festival
From 10:00 h :
- The oven goes on
- Canyissos workshop
Around midday:
Will perform
- El Grup de Danses de Jesús Pobre
- Also Canyisos i Llata workshop
On the last Sunday of August he ritual with the Moscatell grape is repeated:
The Fogater lights the ovend'escaldar.
It begins to heat the Caldera filled with the primordial mixture, the LLexiu, because it cracks the skin of the grain of the grape and makes the raisin acquire its characteristic golden tone, made with ashes of vine shoots, lime, water and herbs panseres.
When the Llexiu breaks boiling the Cassa is introduced with a bouquet of two or three clusters that is left submerged for a few seconds until its color changes.
The grapes will then be deposited on the Canyís for drying in the sun a few days.
In els Riuraus els Canyissos will remain covered safe from dew and rain.
The ritual lasts throughout the morning and ends with traditional dances.

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Vídeo: Sol de Invierno