Greenway - Almadrava Tower - Alberca River
Watchtower built for defending the coast from Berber pirate attacks during the 16th century. This location was chosen for protecting a potable water supply point and a nearby tunny fishery. Today only the bottom part remains of the original structure. The top part results of a rehabilitation completed during the 1990s to restore its original appearance. It is a declared BIC ("Bien de Interés Cultural", Good of Cultural Interest). In 1957 an inscription with the legend “Sub umbra alarum tuarum protegem” was discovered, meaning “under the shade of your wings you protect me”. Currently, this inscription is exhibited in Dénia's Archaeology Museum.
The Almadrava archaeological site from Roman times is located 500 m from the route, crossing the Girona River, next to the Las Marinas Road. Remains of ovens for heating ceramic, mainly amphorae, have been found, in addition to a “domo” (main dwelling) and a dwelling for slaves.
The Alberca River is an example of a short river course of a mostly irregular flow, which can be dry in summer and grow spectacularly during heavy rains. The river's flow ends amongst dunes, forming a beautiful image at the Els Molins beach. During periods of drought, the sand of the beach forms a chord which separates it from the sea.
The riverbed and the vegetation along its banks comprise a rich ecosystem that is home to a great variety of plants and animals. Reeds have practically occupied the entire riverbank, which due to their rapid growth have supplanted the original forest along the shores: myrtle, wild roses, rough bindweed and blackberries.
STARTING POINT: Crossways of the rail trail and Camí del Palmar
LENGTH: 7km. Circular route.
DURATION: On foot: 1 h 55 min. Bicycle: 40 min.
Exit the rail trail along Camí del Palmar, heading toward the beach. Carefully cross the road leading from Dénia to Els Poblets and continue along the dirt road on the opposite side. Continue until it bends rightward, connecting with the old road from Gandía to Dénia (Camino Viejo Gandía), alternating between asphalt and dirt stretches until reaching Las Marinas Road (Carretera de Les Marines) which must be crossed to head toward the Almadrava Tower and the mouth of the Girona River.
Continue along the hard shoulder of the Las Marinas Road. Just before reaching the bridge over the Alberca River, head rightward onto the Ribera trail (road prohibited for motor vehicles) parallel to this river, which leads us back to Camí del Palmar and the rail trail.
Girona River mouth, Almadrava Tower, dunes at the mouth of the Alberca River. 2 km of beach (Els Molins) between both rivers.