Interpretation Centre "Dénia Ciutat Vigia" volver


The new Interpretation Centre of the City of Dénia, is a new museographic proposal in which the Archaeological Museum of Dénia is immersed, which highlights the historical role of Dénia, watchful city of the Mediterranean, as astrategic enclave, Showing its history and heritage.

            Opening times:

            (Until March)

         Every day from 10:30 to 12:30 h. and from 15:00 to 17:30 h. 

Sundays at 11:30 free guided tours in Spanish. Meeting point on the top of the Castle.

Visita guiadagratuita

Through a new and modern museographic discourse, a brief chronological tour is presented, materialized by key archaeological pieces, which allow us to understand the rich history of Dénia through  five periods, Ibero, Roman, Taifa, modern and nineteenth century, which are projected through a time tunnel, as pages of a book are presented to the visitor.

The visit does not have an additional cost on the entrance of the Castle and it is not necessary to register in advance.

Further information:

Museo Etnológico