playas en Les Marines


SICTED Quality certification

Estás en playas

Situation: In the Highway Les Marines, to 10 km of the Urban Nucleus.

Length : 2'9 km.

Type: stone beach.

Important natural values: Site of Community Interest (Lugar de Interés Comunitario, LIC). Posidonia meadows.

Services  (med-season and high season)

There will be POSIDONIA withdrawal service.

-Surveillance and First-aid station from 1st June to 30th September. June and September from 11.00 to 19.00h. July and August from 10.30 to 20.00h.

* First-Aid Station (C/ Riu Cervol to C/ Riu Ebron).

* Elevated surveillance chairs.

- Accesses to the beach.

- Exit channels for boats. Beacons between the streets 14 and 16 of Els Poblets and streets Riu Alcora and Riu Ebron.

- WC, Riu Ebrón street.

Juegos deportivos

Juegos deportivos



Servicios WC

Servicios WC

Vigilancia marítima

Vigilancia marítima



ISO 9001

ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO 14001

Balizamiento de seguridad

Balizamiento de seguridad

Juegos biosaludables

Juegos biosaludables

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